By: Dr. Charlie Fagenholz D.C.
If you are blessed to call yourself a father, you have been entrusted with the role of provider, protector and leader of your family. Can you truthfully say you have spent enough time researching what is being injected into your kids? If so, that is wonderful. If not, I encourage you to invest some time on this topic. And that is the purpose of this article…to allow you, the family man, to make an informed decision on a topic that will significantly influence you and your family’s health and lives. It contains information that would never be presented to households by the mainstream media because this essential information might make you think twice about if the current vaccine schedule is right for your family. So please, open your mind and dive into the lucrative world of vaccines.
Moving to California a little over 6 years ago made me dive into the topic of vaccines due to SB 277, where schools required them for children to attend and got rid of any exemptions. Through clinical practice, I got to see this issue first hand. This article will come from the angle of questioning the process of vaccines, not only from the research I have done but also from the experience I have had treating on average 1-2 children or adults per week negatively affected by vaccines.
I believe that most humans are good at heart and want what’s best for everybody. If doctors and the people who buy them tell you to do something good for yourself and the others around you, I get how that can make you want to do it. However, when it comes to medicine and science, logic needs to be at the forefront of your thought process. People truly believe that vaccines have eradicated diseases while doing it safely. Nothing could be further from the truth. So when you try to talk any logic with people on this subject, the emotions of people force them to come at you from a perspective of them thinking you don’t care about people and their well-being. The irony is it is for that exact reason that people like me question everything about the vaccines.
First and foremost, any person that starts by saying “well what about polio?” hasn’t done their research. They have only read what the CDC tells them. If you do your own research, you will see that when the vaccine was introduced, polio was 90% gone already. This was because polio was somewhat a waterborne disease due to fecal transmission and as soon as plumbers fixed the water sources, much of polio dropped off. Some doctors back then said what these plumbers were filtering out was not only pathogens like polio but a common pesticide at the time called Paris Green. This is why polio cases seemed to spike in the summer months because this pesticide was used. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortin Biskind even testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons. They said that the virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillain-Barre, meningitis, etc. This was orchestrated to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the vaccine campaign, but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing…but only in vaccinated areas.
To be fair, I do believe that polio is a real virus but I don’t doubt that neurotoxin pesticides used at that time contributed to neurological issues observed at that time. However, for more on how they botched the polio vaccine with the polio virus, read up on Bernice Eddy who was the virologist put in charge of safety testing the first batches of it. She was fired for speaking up on what she discovered with the polio vaccine because she was alarmed at what it would do to our population and future generations of it. It was the first censorship associated with vaccines, if you will.
Next, I want to mention that after World War II and the Nazi concentration camps, there was a law known as the Nuremberg Code. This was a universal law that in 1947 said that never again would anyone be forced to take any drug, vaccine, or have any experimental surgeries after what was witnessed in the concentration camps. This law was never legally broken until 2015 and SB 277 in California.
Since 1986, vaccine manufacturers are not liable for any injury or harm caused by their products thanks to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. If someone is not liable to ever get sued or held accountable for their product, what incentive do they have to keep it safe? They will also be tempted to get as many products out as possible to make as much money as possible. Do you think that shareholders and their companies don’t have a money mindset first and foremost? Along with this act in 1986, the government set up the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which is funded by a trust fund from the government. This means that if you have an injury or death then you can sue the government and they pull money from a trust fund given to you. That money happens to come from your tax dollars and since 1986, there has been almost $5 billion paid out.
The biggest reason why vaccines have never been proven to be safe is because no studies have had true control groups. The control group would be someone who is not injected with anything. However, in these studies, the control group is injected with the vaccine being tested but they take out the DNA virus or the pathogen they are going after. This means that all the metals and toxic chemicals are still injected which is where most of the issues are caused in the first place. So their studies show that there is no statistical difference because everyone in the study gets injected with the toxins. The next issue I question is during these studies they monitor the people for 2-5 days after injection, with most only monitored for 2 days. This means if there are no negative reactions after 2 days, then they are deemed safe. The issue is for the vast majority, the reactions happen within a month after and sometimes even longer than that. It all depends on the person and what their nervous system can handle. People don’t know that issues present later in life like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc. are all encouraged by the fillers/toxins in the vaccine. These are the very toxins that turn our disease genes on. Genes are like a loaded gun and environmental stressors are what pulls the trigger. The metals and chemicals can manifest a disease decades later. This is why there needs to be a lifelong study of those who follow the injected and the uninjected control group.
The CDC owns over 20 vaccine patents and sells about $4.5 billion worth of them each year. At the end of the day, it’s all about the money. Bill Gates is one of the largest funders for the CDC. It makes sense that he wants to inject the world because it fills his pockets tremendously. Next comes Disney, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Merck, Pfizer, J&J, Dell, Facebook, Kaiser, PayPal, and the list goes on. These companies are not pushing their airtime commercials and Facebook ads because they solely care about your health. They want to push these vaccines on people for the money.
Moving along with the studies, the modern schedule of vaccines has never been tested. Up until the age of 7, our blood brain barrier is wide open. This means that anything that gets into our body, especially into our bloodstream, basically has direct access to our brain. The blood brain barrier is just a barrier system that protects our brain from toxins and it doesn’t fully develop/close until about age 7. Have you seen how many vaccines are injected by the age of 7 with the standard vaccine schedule in our country? It’s 32 minimum and 38 if you take their recommendation of a flu shot every year after 6 months of age. That’s 32-38 doses of mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, viruses, animal blood, and the rest of the carcinogenic chemicals. Also, these vaccines are one size fits all. A newborn gets the same dosage as an adult. No other medicine does this. If you have ever taken your dog or pet to the vet and they are getting shots or drugs, the first thing they do is check the weight and age of the animal. But not with our children.
If vaccines are so safe then why is there so much legislature around them? Why can’t you go buy them publicly at the store? Here is a list of some of the ingredients in vaccines (if you want a full list just go to the CDC website)
1. Formaldehyde – known to cause cancer in humans. Banned from injectables in most European countries due to being a gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, immune, nerve, and reproductive system poison
2. Beta-Propiolactone – known human carcinogen (a carcinogen is a cancer-causing agent)
3. Gentamicin Sulfate and Polymyxin B – antibiotics that can be highly allergenic
4. Genetically modified yeast, bacteria, and viral DNA on dairy and egg cultures – part of the reason why people have so many allergies to dairy and egg (especially egg)
5. Glutaraldehyde – poison if ingested and known to cause birth defects in animals.
6. Latex rubber – contributes to latex rubber allergies
7. Peanut and soy oil – contributes to nut allergies
8. Human and animal cells – human DNA from aborted babies, pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidneys, cow hearts, monkey kidneys, chicken embryos, calf serum, sheep blood to name a few. These all have been linked to childhood leukemia and diabetes
9. Monosodium Glutamate – Banned in Europe for causing birth defects, infertility, and developmental delays
10. Neomycin Sulfate – antibiotic that contributes to epilepsy and brain damage
11. Phenol/Phenoxyethanol [2-PE] – used as antifreeze.
12. Polysorbate 80 and 20 – a carcinogen that is linked to infertility and autoimmune diseases
13. Tri(n) butyl phosphate – kidney and nervous system toxin
The two most talked about in many health circles are thimerosal and aluminum. Thimerosal, also known as mercury, is one of the most toxic substances on the planet. In hospitals, if a thermometer breaks, the building is cleared and HAZMAT is called. The Eli Lilly Material Safety Data Sheet acknowledges that exposure to thimerosal in utero and children can cause severe mental retardation and gross motor impairment. They list abortion and fetal death as possible outcomes in utero. This is why your doctor tells you to stay away from sushi and tuna when pregnant because of the mercury levels, but they tell you to get a flu shot when pregnant which has 25 mcg of mercury per dose that goes directly into the fetus from the mom’s bloodstream. The EPA states that .045 mcg of mercury per pound of body weight is the absolute max safety dose for mercury yet we view these shots as one-size-fits. A single flu shot would be safe for a 550-pound human and we give these to kids that don’t even weigh 10 pounds. Also, there has been no modern study truly testing Thimerosal. In the 1920s when it was created, they gave a directly injected dose to 22 patients suffering from bacterial meningitis in Indianapolis, Indiana. Within 48 hours almost every single one died and the ones who were lucky enough to survive the 48 hours, died shortly after.
Pharma has caught on to people understanding what thimerosal is so they have created thimerosal-free vaccines yet people say aluminum is anywhere between 60 and 80 times more toxic than mercury for our nervous systems. Aluminum toxicity is neurological damage because it accumulates in the brain similar to mercury. Here are some statistics on what the FDA says are the maximum exposure levels to be “safe”. A 50-pound child is 113 mcg of aluminum and a 350-pound adult is 794.5 mcg of aluminum. At birth, the hep B vaccine is given to children which contains 250 mg of aluminum. That’s 14 times the amount of aluminum that is FDA-approved. When you look at the standard schedule for children, there are times when they receive over 1000 mcg of aluminum and that can happen multiple times per year as they age.
A big debate has always been “do these vaccines cause autism?” My answer to that is that these shots contain a significant amount of neurotoxins. That means that they can excite and change the nervous system. Everyone is a biochemical individual and vaccines can manifest differently in different people. Well, this is the perfect example. In some kids, it causes allergies, in some ADHD, in some significant behavioral issues, in some speech issues, in some very low immune systems. One of the pre and post findings of vaccines is that a certain brain cell known as microglial cells are significantly activated after injection and one of the common denominators in children on the spectrum and or are autistic is significantly activated microglial cells. On average, I treat 1-2 children that are autistic per week and in my testing, their main stressors show up to be mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, egg/peanut/soy/chicken allergies, polysorbate 80 toxicity, and MSG about 95% of the time. Some of my patient’s parents watched their children change overnight while the majority changed over some months. It is easy to dismiss all of this stuff until it happens to you, and then you see vaccines differently.
So why don’t you hear more about these injuries and why doesn’t your doctor know more about these topics? It’s because they do what the CDC tells them first and foremost, and all injuries are self-reported to VAERS. VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and the patient or their parents are supposed to report it themselves. Almost every single one of my patients has never heard of this before, contributing to about 10% being reported. This means that there are far more issues out there than anyone realizes. Doctors don’t tell their patients to report it, they tell them that it’s all coincidence and unrelated.
Regarding COVID-19, it feeds right into the vaccine agenda. If people are in fear, they will do anything, and there is a lot of fear going on these days. COVID-19 has a 99+% (98+% if over 85 years of age) survival rate but you would think it was more like 1% from the media. So is a shot that is only out due to being pushed through clinical trials for emergency use (skipping “proper” safety trials) in a system that uses skewed research a good idea? Remember, these vaccines have mRNA in them and not DNA like typical vaccines. This is the first time this has ever been injected into humanity, similar to the polio vaccine. Remember, VAERS is self-reported so the number of “side effects” you read about is closer to between 1 and 10% of what’s really happening. What I am most worried about is what will that mRNA do in people in the next 5, 10, 20 years. MRNA is what tells your DNA what to do in your body, so this experimental mRNA now has free range to do whatever it is going to do to your DNA and the population’s in the experiment. When it comes to ingredients of the 3 main vaccines, besides experimental mRNA, there is PEG (polyethylene glycol), which is a known carcinogen, and EO (ethylene oxide), which is in fertilizers/pesticides and a known sterilizer. Also, these vaccines don’t stop the transmission, the ability to get infected, or the severity of getting sick (contrary to what the media tells you). Next, they are starting to make everyday activities not accessible to you if you don’t get one. Workplaces are firing people, colleges are cutting off the Internet to students who don’t get it, cities are banning you from restaurants, gyms, concerts, etc. If this pandemic were as bad as they say it is, all of our borders would be sealed shut no questions asked. Any doctor who came forward saying that they have had great success with certain therapies wouldn’t be censored and shamed but rather embraced and those therapies would be administered immediately.
By now I hope that you see there is a big issue at hand. It goes beyond just polarizing political aspects and this is a very real medical issue. No matter what I say about this subject, at the end of the day, it should be your choice and always your choice no matter what. Even if you are on the opposite side of the spectrum from me, I believe you should be able to do exactly what you want to do. If you are a parent reading this and you now have a big feeling of guilt, the saying is you don’t know what you don’t know until you find out that you didn’t know it. There are lots of things that can be done for you and your child in my field of medicine. In most cases, it is never too late to help in some way, shape, or form. I want to mention that some of my patients who think mostly along the same lines or similar lines to me only give their children vaccines so they can go to school since California requires them for the most part. I respect your choice but when patients ask me what I’m going to do when our kids are of age, my answer is their health is and always will be the priority and I will never jeopardize that to send them to standard schools that in my opinion are not worth it for many reasons. There are plenty of other schooling options that most people aren’t aware of and in the next 5 years, I believe they will become very popular due to how the world is changing currently. At the end of the day, I know there is so much more to this topic than what I have included but I wanted to touch on some of the more important points on the subject. Share it with whomever you would like and wish them balanced thinking.
Dr. Charlie Fagenholz D.C. is a holistic physician trained in chiropractic medicine. He offers an eclectic in-depth approach to patient evaluation and treatment due to his extensive knowledge of natural healthcare techniques and functional medicine research. He practices in Costa Mesa, CA and soon to be in Franklin, TN where he works with patients structurally, chemically and emotionally to reveal the root causes of their health concerns along with assisting them in their journey of healing. His website and blog are an extension of that purpose and is for you to have access to information that has helped thousands of people be the healthiest versions of themselves.